The body dies, but the spirit that transcends it cannot be touched by death.
I'm not afraid of death at all.
Death is the cure for all diseases.
Definition is the death of discovery.
Of course the death of Geoffrey has caused a lot of trauma to me generally.
Death is a fearful thing.
As I mentioned previously, the tools that allow for optimum health are diet and exercise.
Fat is your friend. The brain thrives on a fat-rich, low-carbohydrate diet.
I did my famous cabbage soup diet, so I was able to do it.
As for those grapefruit and buttermilk diets, I'll take roast chicken and dumplings.
Push-ups, sit-ups, and a strict diet of raisins. That's my plan.
I'm not strictly vegetarian, but meat doesn't play a big part in my diet.
I don't diet. I just don't eat as much as I'd like to.
You can't exercise your way out of a bad diet.
Yeah, I'm kind of fit. And I'm quite careful about my diet.
I don't eat junk foods and I don't think junk thoughts.
I have had cardiomyopathy, which is a non-coronary condition and is in no way related to diet.
I box for four hours a week and my diet is pretty healthy.
I know how men in exile feed on dreams.
Las Vegas is a very strange place. It's a place of broken dreams.
Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes.