When a hen is brooding, another hen cannot sit on her eggs.
The hen tells the cock to crow.
Eggs cannot teach a hen.
Eggs don't teach the hens anything.
Fat hens lay few eggs.
A hen is heavy when carried far.
Every cackling hen was an egg at first.
Hens keep quiet when the cock is around.
The egg shows the hen where to hatch.
A black hen lays a white egg.
It is a bad hen that does not scratch herself.
The hen that cackles in the evening lays no eggs in the morning.
A good cock can never have too many hens.
Hens like to lay where they see an egg.
They quarrel about an egg and let the hen fly.
It's a bad hen that won't scratch herself.
Better an egg today than a hen tomorrow.
When the husband is a hen and the wife is a cock, the house is topsy-turvy
An old hen makes strong soup.
It is a sorry house in which the cock is silent and the hen crows.
Hens perched on top will shit on those below.