I plucked one plump black olive from the plate and put it in my mouth immediately before saying, “Well, I feel bad for you, then.” “Why’s that?” “Because I love antipasto.” “I guess I don’t understand why that’s a problem.” “B...
You must judge a man by the work of his hands.
Nothing but a handful of dust will fill the eyes of man.
Never try to catch two frogs with one hand.
The scent of a rose will always stay on the hand of the giver.
Better to have a handful of might than a sack of justice.
Who takes the child by the hand, takes the mother by the heart.
A handful of patience is worth more than a bushel of brains.
A country without freedom is like a prisoner with shackled hands.
If you throw a handful of stones, one at least will hit.
Who seeks a quarrel will find it near at hand.
Saving mustard seeds in hand, while a watermelon escapes.
Hold on to a true friend with both hands.
You cannot hide the sun with one hand.
The hand suffers at work, but the mouth still must eat.
There isn't a sword that would cut off a golden hand.
What naturally you want to do if you were a prominent person in the public light and you are disgraced, you want to make a comeback, and normally that begins with somebody saying, 'I want to do something to help people. I want to do something to help...
Our Heavenly Father did not form us and place us on this planet so that we would manage on our own. Neither does the popular saying, God helps those who help themselves, hold any water. The Truth is we all need help. Those who look strong and contain...
To those peoples in the huts and villages of half the globe struggling to break the bonds of mass misery, we pledge our best efforts to help them help themselves, for whatever period is required - not because the Communists may be doing it, not becau...
Crazed Man in Massage Parlour: He-he put that thing on me...! He made me wear it!... He told me to fuck her, and... and I did! I fucked her! He had a gun in my mouth! The fucking gun was in my throat! FUCK! Oh, god, oh, god... please help me. Help me...
Mother's Eden: Does your Matthew... Well, does he make you feel as if he just handed you a handful of Stars? Eden: He make me feel as if he handed me the moon as well, Mama. Maybe the whole universe.