We are three countries that emerged from the former Yugoslavia - countries that are now in transition and must cooperate with each other, because our economies depend on each other.
I have friends who are majorly into the cosplay culture and have urged me to go to a convention for no other reason than to meet others like me.
Sometimes, when you are in the public eye, you just really need to just be part of the crowd, and look at other people rather than other people look at you.
If you try to make such projects, unseen by others, as perfect as any human could, you'll develop skills that other professionals don't have.
Do not allow others' doubts in you keep you from achieving your dream. Do not allow the doubts of others keep you from being free.
What civilization is, is 6 billion people trying to make themselves happy by standing on each other's shoulders and kicking each other's teeth in. It's not a pleasant situation.
In various countries and times, leaders of groups that lagged behind, economically and educationally, have taught their followers to blame all their problems on other people - and to hate those other people.
I've seldom minded other people's opinions, but the other side of that coin is that I've seldom been interested by them, um their opinions about me I mean.
You are special individual. Never envy others. You never know what they go through. Seek and be inspired by the works of others. Learn their secrets for success.
Remember: Let's look for ways to take *care* of each other rather than look for ways to take *advantage* of each other.
The shows are so different from each other, depending on whether I play with my band, Nine Stories, other musicians, an orchestra, only one or two members of my band.
What is the motive to the secret ballot? This, and only this: Like other confederates in crime, those who use it are not friends, but enemies; and they are afraid to be known, and to have their individual doings known, even to each other.
Other actors don't get asked about their brothers or sisters, so why do I have to always answer questions about having a twin brother? I suppose it's interesting for everybody other than me.
After doing this, going away, trying other things and working on other shows, this character, and working within Days of Our Lives, has been one of the most enjoyable experiences in my career.
Our educational results lag behind other states, and other nations, but worse still, behind the potential of the kids and the devoted teachers in our classrooms.
I examine other people's characteristics, so when I'm playing characters, I don't always have to make them me; I can transform into others.
Jean Paul Sartre says that ‘Hell is other people!’ In the name of completing this sentence we must also say this: ‘Heaven is other people too!
I learned in the early part of my career that labor must bear the cross for others' sins, must be the vicarious sufferer for the wrongs that others do.
People always think that designers hate each other. And we're certainly a competitive lot, but we also enjoy each other's company.
Take the trouble to stop and think of the other person's feelings, his viewpoints, his desires and needs. Think more of what the other fellow wants, and how he must feel.
Most people do not really want others to have freedom of speech, they just want others to be given the freedom to say want they want to hear.