Dogs that fight each other will join forces against the wolf.
Life is a ladder -- some will climb up it, others down.
By day think of your own faults, by night think of the faults of others.
Make sure you leave some fat for the other side.
There are two perfectly good men; one dead, and the other unborn.
A fool is like all other men as long as he remains silent.
Every woman needs two men -- one to be married to and the other to compare.
Most men employ the earlier part of their life to make the other miserable.
When all other sins are old, greed still stays young.
Greeks only agree with each other about going to the toilet.
Your own wealth is flowers and wine; the other man's is but weeds.
Some will enjoy the honey, others will have to put up with the sting.
If you wish your merit to be known, acknowledge that of other people.
Fishermen recognize each other from far away.
You don't get a headache from what other people have drunk.
When two friends dip into their purse, one laughs, the other cries.
The world is like that: one gives a melon, the other gets the stomach cramps.
Make me immortal with a kiss.
Time is the school in which we learn, Time is the fire in which we burn.
Today the same thing over. I've got it up the tree again.
Tomorrow’s sun is on it’s way – a relentless sun, inscrutable like life.