An heir also inherits quarrels.
I'm the heir apparent to the heir presumptive.
The tears of an heir are laughter under a mask.
The dying cannot leave their wisdom or experience to their heirs.
All women are heirs to Mother Eve.
The heir's tears are but a mask to disguise his joy.
Jesus is the Heir of God. We are joint-heirs of God.
Only a fool will make a doctor his heir.
A rich man is either a scoundrel or the heir of a scoundrel.
When a miser dies, the heirs feel as happy as when they kill a pig.
The patient who names a doctor his heir makes a big mistake.
I the heir of all the ages, in the foremost files of time.
I love you, he thought, because you are honest with me and because you are willing to speak the truth to me when others might seek to curry favor instead. I love you because you are in this bed with me, not trying to conceive the much-awaited next ge...
The weeping of an heir is laughter in disguise.
If the object of poetry is, to make men, then poetry is the heir of prophecy.
I think of Dermot Healy as the heir to Patrick Kavanagh.
I am the son and the heir of a shyness that is criminally vulgar.
She should not remember what it was like to be free.
Magic or nature, they were much the same thing to Magnus.
This is God's world, not Satan's. Christians are the lawful heirs, not non-Christians.
Those in supreme power always suspect and hate their next heir.