To live, a man needs food, water, and a sharp mind.
Devil at My Heels: A Heroic Olympian's Astonishing Story of Survival as a Japanese POW in World War IIA brick and blanket could be used to turn my words around like backwards high heels on my tongue .
Brick and Blanket Test in Brick City (Ocala) FloridaA brick could be sawed in half and each half glued under the back of a shoe to form high heels.
Brick and Blanket Test in Brick City (Ocala) FloridaBut you have to remember...that you can't run from unhappiness. You just take it with you.
Tout Sweet: Hanging Up My High Heels For A New Life In Rural FranceIf we never challenge our shortcomings, we ensure that they remain our Achilles' heel.
Postcards and Pearls: Life Lessons from Solo Moments on the Road