Body language has no translation.
The world throws you out of your body, especially the cyberworld.
What if I told you, that consciousness is not in the body, body is embedded in the consciousness.
If you act scared, your body produces adrenaline.
You need to be smart about what you put in your body.
The potential of your body is endless.
Three cigarettes in, your body already craves it. It is that addictive.
I see tendencies, I see body language.
Yoga teaches you how to listen to your body.
The human body is essentially something other than an animal organism.
You have to take care of your body.
Never order food in excess of your body weight.
I have developed a unique way of looking at the relationship of the human body to health and disease.
Your body is your temple, it's your home, and you must decorate it.
Going to the gym is great for your body, but it's also great for your mind.
When you're putting good stuff into your body, you feel so much better.
At different times in your life, your body needs different things.
Never fit a dress to the body but train the body to fit the dress.
Your body is your machine - you need your fuel.
I'm shooting for longevity. The road is hard on your body.
If you talk to your body, it will listen.