Heavenly music is interpreted differently by everyone.
I've never felt so... light.
As long as there is love and memory, there is no true loss.
Sharp are the arrows of a broken heart.
The foundations of your childhood, they stay with you.
Alec is not a bunny rabbit. He's a shadowhunter.
Heavenly bodies are nests of invisible birds.
Time runs the fastest when it is independent of heavenly bodies.
Go forth and light the lights of war
This is your time. Make it count by dedicating your time to your Heavenly Father.
There is no good father who would want to resemble our Heavenly Father.
The love of a mother is the veil of a softer light between the heart and the heavenly Father.
she...let the blood spill down instead of tears.
Surely, she was too young to have so many ghosts.
My head feels round," Simon said sadly. "So round.
Heavenly Father, let there be light in every dark corner.
There are things our souls want, and mine wants you.
Heroes save worlds," Clary said. "They don't destroy them.
Oh, God,” Magnus said. “They’re dead. They’re all dead.
Clary," he said. "You're Clary. You're my best friend.
Let's face it. My career is now professional vampire.