For my skin, Neutrogena dry body oil is heaven!
Human nature is what Heaven supplies.
O what a heaven is love! O what a hell!
Marriages are made in heaven and consummated on Earth.
If listeners aren't carried away to Heaven, I'm failing.
Heaven sends us good meat, but the Devil sends cooks.
Behind Calvary's cross is the throne of heaven.
In Heaven, it is always Autumn".
At least you died and went to heaven
HEAVEN: The big apartheid in the sky.
Why do we have to die to got to heaven? The earth is already in space.
My idea of heaven is not writing.
The Key to Heaven; Live a peaceful life.
The heaven in not a place but a state of matter.
I'm so close to Heaven, this Hell cannot be mine.
There's a special place in heaven for caregivers.
My home is in Heaven. I'm just traveling through this world.
When the curtains of heavens are opened, night births morning
In heaven an angel is no one in particular.
We are as near to heaven by sea as by land.
Smile as if you are an angel from heaven.