Heavy hearts, like heavy clouds in the sky, are best relieved by the letting of a little water.
Christopher MorleyHe was a man with a chest, and he wanted to give thoughtful expression to the passion of his heart.
Harvey MansfieldIt was a light which gave solidity to everything and drew colour out from the heart of objects.
V.S. Naipauldont harden your heart; because of the past, it'll block your sight, of a positive future.
Nikki RoweNo one knows how it is that with one glance a boy can break through into a girl's heart.
Nancy ThayerAllow yourself to see the good in people. Not every sinister face harbors a wicked heart.
Nike ThaddeusRock was always part of my heart and soul. But the times just changed and everybody wanted to dance.
Narada Michael Walden