Mom is my best friend not because she is my mom, but because- She is the one who understand me without my saying, She is the one who can read my eyes, she is the one who can read my painful heart, She is the one who can give love without any return, ...
Carlito: [voiceover and closing narration] Sorry boys, all the stitches in the world can't sew me together again. Lay down... lay down. Gonna stretch me out in Fernandez funeral home on Hun and Ninth street. Always knew I'd make a stop there, but a l...
Receptionist: I can't resist! You usually move through here so quickly and I just have so many questions I want to ask you. You have no idea what your work means to me. Melvin Udall: What does it mean to you? Receptionist: [stands up] When somebody o...
Bill: The Priest and me, we lived by the same principles. It was only faith divided us. He gave me this, you know? That was the finest beating I ever took. My face was pulp. My guts was pierced, my ribs was all mashed up. And when he came to finish m...
Armand: They had forgotten the first lesson, that we are to be powerful, beautiful, and without regret. Louis: And you can teach me this? Armand: Yes. Louis: To be without regret? Armand: Yes. Louis: Then what a pair we could make, but what if it's a...
Virginia 'Pepper' Potts: Tony, you know that I would help you with anything, but I cannot help you if you're going to start all this again. Tony Stark: There is nothing except this. There's no art opening, no charity, nothing to sign. There's the nex...
Max: [on deck of ship] It happened every time. Someone would look up, and see her. It's difficult to understand. There'd be more than a thousand of us on that ship, traveling rich folks, immigrants, and strange people, and us; yet there was always *o...
Freddy Eynsford-Hill: [singing] I have often walked down this street before; but the pavement always stayed beneath my feet before. All at once am I several stories high, knowing I'm on the street where you live... Are there lilac trees in the heart ...
Big Ju: What you doin' man? Louie Lastik: Eatin' lunch. Big Ju: I see you eatin' lunch, but why you eatin' over here? Why not go eat over there and eat with your people? Louie Lastik: Man, I don't have any people. I'm with everybody, Julius. Petey Jo...
Bithiah: I am the Pharaoh's daughter, and this is my son. He shall be reared in my house as the prince of the two lands. Memnet: My mother and her mother before her were branded into the Pharaoh's service. I will not see you make this son of slaves a...
Fergus 'Fergie' Colm: You're going to do this for me, or I'm going to clip your nuts, like I clipped your daddy's. Doug MacRay: Don't talk about my father. Fergus 'Fergie' Colm: Son, I knew your daddy. He worked for me for years. Years. Then he wante...
John Laroche: Point is, what's so wonderful is that every one of these flowers has a specific relationship with the insect that pollinates it. There's a certain orchid look exactly like a certain insect so the insect is drawn to this flower, its doub...
Ultron: [Ultron pays Klaue] But I always say, "Keep your friends rich and your enemies rich, and wait to find out which is which." Ulysses Klaue: Stark... Ultron: What? Ulysses Klaue: Tony Stark used to say that... to me. You're one of his. Ultron: W...
Ra's al Ghul: Tomorrow the world will watch in horror as its greatest city destroys itself. The movement back to harmony will be unstoppable this time. Bruce Wayne: You attacked Gotham before? Ra's al Ghul: Of course. Over the ages, our weapons have ...
Losing your faith in a world where God is all around you is a precarious business. When God shows his face on a daily basis to your friends and neighbors, it is, on some level, impossible to stop believing in Him. Instead i felt that God chose to exc...
THE INTELLECT The world as we view it is much like a dance, you can take what is coming and live it by chance… Or seek answers to questions and live it by choice, just follow your heart and answer its voice. Chance brings that karmic phenomenon, ma...
And while thou livest, dear Kate, take a fellow of plain and uncoined constancy; for he perforce must do thee right, because he hath not the gift to woo in other places: for these fellows of infinite tongue, that can rhyme themselves into ladies' fav...
Many people, after spending a long weekend being stealthily seduced by this grand dame of the South, mistakenly think that they have gotten to know her: they believe (in error) that after a long stroll amongst the rustling palmettoes and gas lamps, a...
With all these occurrences of death facing me, I thought about issues of freedom. If government projects the idea that we, as people inhabiting this particular land mass, have freedom, the for the rest of our lives we will go out and find what appear...
Sweet Evelyn, I think, I should have loved you better. Possessing perfect knowledge I hover above him as he hacks me to bits. I see his rough childhood. I see his mother doing something horrid to him with a broomstick. I see the hate in his heart and...
This could be the last night of our lives, certainly the last even barely ordinary one. The last night we go to sleep and get up just as we always have. And all I could think of was that I wanted to spend it with you." Her heart skipped a beat. "Jace...