By intensity of hatred, nations create in themselves the character that they imagine in their enemies. Hence it comes that all passionate conflicts result in an interchange of characteristics. We might say with truth, those who hate open a door by wh...
Francis: Jane, I love you - when will you marry me? Jane: We who are of noble blood may not follow the wishes of our hearts.
Father Brendan Flynn: [to Sister James] There are people who go after your humanity, Sister, that tell you that the light in your heart is a weakness. Don't believe it. It's an old tactic of cruel people to kill kindness in the name of virtue.
Billy Costigan: You sit there with a mass murderer. A mass murderer. Your heart rate is jacked, and your hand... steady. That's one thing I figured out about myself in prison. My hand does not shake... ever.
Mina Harker: How did Lucy die? Was she in great pain? Professor Abraham Van Helsing: Yeah, she was in great pain! Then we cut off her head, and drove a stake through her heart, and burned it, and then she found peace.
Madam Suliman: That boy is extremely dangerous, his powers are far too great for someone without a heart. [pause] Madam Suliman: If he stays selfish, I'm afraid he'll end up just like the Witch of the Wastes.
Samantha: The heart is not like a box that gets filled up; it expands in size the more you love. I'm different from you. This doesn't make me love you any less. It actually makes me love you more.
Parker Wilson: I'm a lot older than you but I tend to think that there's an element of music that cannot be captured. Life cannot be captured. Human heart cannot be captured. The moment of creation itself is fleeting.
Santiago: Suppose death had a heart to love and to release you, to whom would he turn this passion? Would you chose a person from the crowd there? A person to suffer as you suffer?
Pumbaa: [singing] And I got down-hearted. Timon: How did you feel? Pumbaa: Every time that I... Timon: [clapping Pumbaa's mouth shut] Hey, Pumbaa, not in front of the kids. Pumbaa: [Faces the camera] Oh. Sorry.
Linton Barwick: Well, I don't want to be accused of micro-managing, but I cannot understand why "I Heart Huckabees" is on a list of DVDs considered suitable for armed-forces entertainment. That self-indulgent crap is not suitable for combat troops.
Frank Hackett: I'm gonna kill him. I'm gonna impale the son-of-a-bitch with a sharp stick through the heart. I'll take out a contract on him. I'll hire a professional killer; no, I'll do it myself. I'll strangle him with a sash cord.
Duke: She had come back into his life like a sudden flame; blazing and streaming into his heart. Noah stayed up all night contemplating the certain agony he knew would be his if he were to lose her twice.
Griffin Mill: It lacked certain elements that we need to market a film successfully. June: What elements? Griffin Mill: Suspense, laughter, violence. Hope, heart, nudity, sex. Happy endings. Mainly happy endings. June: What about reality?
Alejandro Sosa: [after Tony assures him] I think you speak from the heart, Montana. So I say to myself, this Lopez, your boss, he had chivatos like that working for him, his judgment stinks.
[first words, handwritten, from English subtitles] Benjamín Esposito: He ran to the end of the train and watched as her figure, once gigantic, now shrank in his eyes, but grew more than ever in his heart.
Khan: [quoting from Melville's Moby Dick] To the last, I will grapple with thee... from Hell's heart, I stab at thee! For hate's sake, I spit my last breath at thee!
Talkative Woman at Hanging: [Referring to face at courthouse window watching the triple hanging] It's Judge Parker. He watches all the hangings. Says it's his sense of duty. Mattie Ross: Who knows what's in a man's heart.
[first lines] Private Edward P. Train: What's this war in the heart of nature? Why does nature vie with itself? The land contend with the sea? Is there an avenging power in nature? Not one power, but two?
Evey Hammond: My father was a writer. You would've liked him. He used to say that artists use lies to tell the truth, while politicians use them to cover the truth up. V: A man after my own heart.
Wolverine: How is she? Dr. Jean Grey: She's fine. [pause] Dr. Jean Grey: I think she's still taken with you. Wolverine: Well you can tell her... my heart belongs to... someone else.