And then a scholar said, "Speak of talking." And he answered, saying: "And when you can no longer dwell in the solitude of your heart you live in your lips, and sound is a diversion and a pastime.
Your party kicked so much ass!Even though you suck so much! It's like, instead of blood, your heart pumps liquid suck! But thanks for the beer!
These are the quicksilver moments of my childhood I cannot remember entirely. Irresistible and emblematic, I can recall them only in fragments and shivers of the heart.
A wise teacher is a keen and true student of absolute beauty and truth, and he searches everywhere for them in nature with all his heart
My heart had a crush on him from the moment we met, but it was faint, and the rest of me stubbornly refused to play along.
Learning to pray doesn't offer us a less busy life; it offersus aless busy heart.
Friends are like bras, attached near your heart for support. Foes are like panties, deported, every now and then, when they get dirty.
A blanket could be used to put out a fire. Unless that fire is in your heart, and you simply refuse to give up and let the issue, and your body, rest.
But literature is unique. To understand literature, you read it with your head, but you interpret it with your heart. The two are forced to work together-and, quite frankly, they often don't get along.
You know, my poor grandmother once told me that the way to a man’s heart was through his stomach. Life has taught me that it’s actually a few inches lower.
I have been quiet today because fear in my heart has been fighting with frustration in my brain, leaving little energy for my mouth.
There's a sorrow and pain in everyone's life, but every now and then there's a ray of light that melts the loneliness in your heart and brings comfort like hot soup and a soft bed.
Come quickly with me. Inhale the divine that swoops from nostril to blunted throat then sneaks past guarded doors into the hallway of your heart where the lamplight grows.
Have you found someone to share your heart with? Are you giving to your community? Are you at peace with yourself? Are you trying to be as human as you can be?
I wear the word victim like a badge of honor — my own purple heart. I see what others do more than I see what I'm capable of.
I don't function without a heart, he said angrily and then added under his breath as he grabbed at the front of his Tshirt, He's right here.
He gave me the one thing he's never given to anyone before.. He gave me his heart, and his trust. And in return, I gave him the same right back....
When we mated I felt your heart stop beating and it was as if the world had stopped turning. It was only while surrounded by death that I realized I had never felt more alive.
Literature is humanity's broad-minded alter-ego, with room in its heart for monsters, even for you. It's humanity without the judgement.
The ocean in the sky keeps my love fresh like boat shoes that are too big to fail. My heart is flooded with feelings like Noah one knows.
I’m hard to love, but I love hard, like my heart is the sun yearning to tan your naked body. I promise I won’t burn you.