Silence is the last thing the world will ever hear from me.
My lyrics are my diary - you're hearing every detail of my life.
After working with Ligeti I began to hear Brahms and Beethoven differently.
Which Esther Williams do you want to hear about?
May you live to be 100 and may the last voice you hear be mine.
The art of hearing what somebody has to say is actually, listening.
I am woman, hear me roar.
I'm used to hearing myself. My own voice.
.in biggest silence, you hear loudest voices..
Its rock n' roll that has done my hearing in.
My Blood flows towards India ,bcoz India is in my Hear
I'm not a fan of the wimple; you can't hear much when you've got it on.
It's different hearing girls I don't even know scream my name.
Joe McCarthy and his Senate hearings were like witch-hunts.
But at my back I always hear Time's winged chariot hurrying near.
When you turn on the TV, you hear bad stuff, all the time.
I have a hard time with interviews, because I'd rather hear about the interviewer.
Before my teen years, I was losing my hearing pretty quickly, and I was getting very, very angry. I was beginning to become an angry person because of that.
The subconscious is ceaselessly murmuring, and it is by listening to these murmurs that one hears the truth.
Stewart: [to Ada] Can you hear me?
Ray Budds: I didn't hear it... swear to God!