I would follow my mother around the kitchen watching and trying to find any way to help. One of the first dishes my mother taught me to make was hollandaise sauce. Though she always served it with broccoli, I soon realized it was equally delicious wi...
In every one of your relationships, you are on a continuum between intimacy and separation. You stand on a slide that tilts you toward either intimacy or separateness. Exactly where you stand at any given moment is the result of your decisions, your ...
The growth of intimacy will teach us how to love—both ourselves and the other person. If we will allow ourselves to practice the skills of intimacy, we will learn to love. Boundaries protect love and intimacy. Certain behaviors support the integrit...
The child is more individualised than the adult, the patient more than the healthy man, the madman and the delinquent more than the normal and the non-delinquent. In each case, it is towards the first of these pairs that all the individualising mecha...
Fame isn't healthy for a writer.
life is better when it is short, healthy and full.
All of my clients have athletic or curvy, healthy bodies.
I became a fanatic about healthy food in 1944.
Your parents want to think they have a healthy, happy family.
Songwriting is a give-and-take process, and it can lead to some good, healthy debates.
It is as healthy to enjoy sentiment as to enjoy jam.
Healthy curiosity is a great key in innovation.
I think confrontation is healthy, because it clears the air very quickly.
I don't know one actor that became an actor for healthy reasons.
I think it's healthy to be insecure, to have nerves.
I want to be as healthy as I can because I'm a mom now.
I do Pilates and yoga and try to eat healthy.
A healthy attitude is contagious but don't wait to catch it from others. Be a carrier.
For me, what works best is to try to eat healthy and not worry about the scale.
I was strong and healthy and I was enjoying what I was doing.
I feel as healthy as I've ever felt.