We are not voting for health care if we do not resolve this language on public funding for abortion - no public funding for abortion.
By offering individuals ownership and control of their health care coverage, we return control to the patients; and that is exactly where it should be.
We all want more information available when making health care decisions for ourselves and our families.
Congress is attempting to eviscerate women's health care. Like many women across America, I am outraged.
I know the exploding cost of health care is at the root of our long-term fiscal challenges.
Our goal is to make Maine the healthiest state in the nation and reduce our overall health care costs.
Discussions of health care in the U.S. usually focus on insurance companies, but, whatever their problems, they're not the main driver of health-care inflation: providers are.
I always worked very hard against the unconstitutional individual mandate in health care. I didn't praise it.
As I travel around Idaho and visit with seniors, I hear almost universal concern about the rising cost of health care, particularly the cost of prescription drugs.
As patients and consumers, we are better informed today about our health care than any previous generation.
Health care for all Americans is the most pressing domestic issue today. It's far past time for the President and Congress to deliver health care to everyone.
I need more personal time and, given my extensive work in health care, I want to pursue that interest further.
Health care costs blunt the competitive edge of American entrepreneurs, from the auto industry to internet start-ups.
With the implementation of the Affordable Care Act and the Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act, more people will have insurance coverage and, in principle, be eligible for more care.
I co-sponsored the Justice and Mental Health Collaboration Act to improve access to mental health services for people in the criminal justice system. This bill would give law enforcement officers the tools they need to identify and respond to mental ...
Traditionally, Medicare's assurance has been that for the elderly and persons with disabilities that they will not be alone when confronted with the full burden of their health care costs.
We believe in government involvement that leads to independence: good schools, quality roads and the best health care.
While Democrats fussed with the details of health care reforms, conservatives spent months telling the nation that the real issue is freedom, that what's on the line is American liberty itself.
Many health care providers, particularly physicians in rural and urban areas, are leaving the Government programs because of inadequate reimbursement rates.
If you want to slow medical inflation in the private sector, it makes sense to expand the government's investment in private health care.
A common misconception is that the costs of health care are cheaper in rural America, when in fact the reality is that they are more expensive and more difficult to access.