He has found his style, when he cannot do otherwise.
He is not valiant that dares die, but he that boldly bears calamity.
He who gives while he lives, get to know where it goes.
Guard yourself from lying; there is he who deceives and there is he who is deceived.
He's 78 years old... He's not the same Orrin Hatch I knew 12 years ago.
He bore no grudge against those he had wronged.
My father was 40 when he had me, so he was more a grandparent than a parent.
He who cheats others is a knave, but he who cheats himself is a fool.
time passed.once acted as god.now lost every relationship.still he believe-as if he is god for everybody.
If he was lost for a moment, he would dive straight back into its honey.
He who knows others is wise. He who knows himself is enlightened.
Yes, he likes Alphie. Though he prefers Stormegedan Dark Ruler of all
A man is but the product of his thoughts what he thinks, he becomes.
He once had his toes amputated so he could stand closer to the bar.
Never help a child with a task at which he feels he can succeed.
A creep is someone who claims he's one thing but he's actually another.
Also the fact that anything he does is seen and heard by the entire country, not just his actual audience or those who live in the region he happens to be in.
He's so ugly he should have to wear an oxygen mask.
God will open any doors he wants to open, and if He closes doors, that's fine, too.
Poor, darling fellow - he died of food. He was killed by the dinner table.
John Legend is a cool guy. He likes to chill, is easy to talk to and hang out with. He's also inspiring on a musical level.