When a man stops thinking he stops feeling.
When the cock is drunk, he forgets about the hawk.
He that will not look forward must look behind.
He who has done evil, expects evil.
He who does not punish evil invites it.
He who holds the ladder is as bad as the thief.
He who is quick to borrow, is slow to pay.
Hunger is the best cook, but he has nothing to eat.
What the farmer does not know he doesn't eat.
A borrower may not lend the thing he borrowed.
Do what the mullah says, but don't do what he does.
He who is a guest in two houses, starves.
He who works as a slave, eats as a king.
When a lion is old, he becomes the plaything of jackals.
Woe is he who claims to have found happiness.
He is a sorry barber who has but one comb.
He that is afraid of the devil does not grow rich.
He who builds by the roadside has many surveyors.
He who knows little quickly tells it.
He who never begins will never end.
He who smells does not know it himself.