Don't have good ideas if you aren't willing to be responsible for them.
I actually think the chances that we'll find E.T. are pretty good.
The image we have of a famous person often bears no relation to them.
The nice thing about being a celebrity is that, if you bore people, they think it's their fault.
The problem is, the more famous you get, the more people see you who didn't choose to.
We are not interested in cloning the Michael Jordans and the Michael Jacksons of this world. The rich and the famous don't participate in this.
Indy makes the race driver. You become famous when you come here.
The distinction between the past, present and future is only a stubbornly persistent illusion.
The task of a university is the creation of the future, so far as rational thought and civilized modes of appreciation can affect the issue.
I shall never believe that God plays dice with the world.
I'm pretty sure there is some genetic component towards intelligence.
Knowledge is the most democratic source of power.
Knowledge is in the end based on acknowledgement.
It was Howard Hawks who changed my life.
At 40 years old you simply know what life is about.
This all comes down to what we know about life on Earth.
Pure mathematicians just love to try unsolved problems - they love a challenge.
For small creatures such as we the vastness is bearable only through love.
Aviation is the branch of engineering that is least forgiving of mistakes.
Why is it drug addicts and computer afficionados are both called users?
Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.