I just want to live my life a little freely and not adhere to any schedule - just make music and have fun.
I don't know how an actress is supposed to observe and create new stuff if she hasn't been on the streets, brushing up against humanity. You have to have a life.
I knew that I was going to have a life as a musician, because I always felt the pull. I don't remember ever having to make a choice.
My whole life's been stability. People who have worked with me have for a long time. Air Asia is the same people who started it.
None so little enjoy themselves, and are such burdens to themselves, as those who have nothing to do. Only the active have the true relish of life.
I was told having a website would help me. I have yet to figure out why my life story needs to be on the web.
It's hard to have that debate around secret programs authorized by secret legal opinions issued by a secret court. Actually, it's impossible to have that debate.
Not every song has to be about love and tenderness, sometimes you have those strictly physical feelings for somebody and it's okay to have those feelings.
I have everything in my house organized to an unnecessary T, and I love it! The only downside: I have no excuses for losing my to-do lists.
I have friends among the Christians, whom I love, and never for a moment have I thought of attacking their Christianity.
Animals have never betrayed me. They are an easy prey, as I have been throughout my career. So we feel the same. I love them.
I have this helicopter crash, and I fall in love with this man who was in the crash with me. I must have been suffering from post-traumatic stress syndrome.
I love kids. I wanted more. I have two, but I would've had six or seven... I would have done that if I could.
I would love to have a long and serious conversation with the Pope. And Woody Allen, whom I have never interviewed. Then, after those two? Steve Jobs.
I love having my hair and makeup done for red carpets, but to have that done every day would be exhausting.
I love the idea that someone I like would have a piece of mine in their house and have a relationship with it.
Anthropologists have found evidence of romantic love in 170 societies. They've never found a society that did not have it.
Im an animal love, but I don't have the smarts to be a vet, or the heart to have been a vet cause I cry over any wounded animal.
You don't have to be singing about love all the time in order to give love to the people. You don't have to keep flashing those words all the time.
Records don't have to be perfect. Everyone doesn't have to move left when everyone else moves left. I love hearing the mistakes.
I have no use for bodyguards, but I have very specific use for two highly trained certified public accountants.