If Charlton Heston can have a constitutional right carry a rifle, why can't grandma have a constitutional right to health care?
Health care is a need; it's not a commodity, and it should be distributed according to need. If you're very sick, you should have a lot of it. If you're not sick, you shouldn't have a lot of it.
I like to maintain a certain sense of fantasy. At home, do I have the full hair and makeup? No. But I might have the nice dress on.
These days, you have the option of staying home, blogging in your underwear, and not having your words mangled. I think I like the direction things are headed.
The Sicilian Defense album was never released and never will be if I have anything to do with it. I have not heard it since it was finished. I hope the tapes no longer exist.
I hope the seeds I have sown will be taken up by those who will follow me because the journey I have begun cannot be undertaken in isolation.
I hope that I have gained the reputation of being someone that would do anything. I think that that's an admirable reputation to have if you're an actor.
I have lived in the only decades I could have lived in, and hope to live through at least a few more.
My hope is that countries like Morocco will have investment to create work, so people don't have to leave.
We have 200,000 kids a year who drop out of the French school system and have no hope. They become a drag on society.
I'm not a particularly dark individual. I have my moments, it's true, but I do have a sense of humor.
Ultimately there's a dirty secret about the Internet, which is nothing disappears. All these companies have all your information. They have your search history.
Those who have no record of what their forebears have accomplished lose the inspiration which comes from the teaching of biography and history.
We have nothing in our history or position to invite aggression; we have everything to beckon us to the cultivation of relations of peace and amity with all nations.
You have Extreme and Van Halen and the history that I have with other people I played with. There are some effects that will hopefully break that stereotype.
Many hedge fund managers have become billionaires; perhaps this - plus their reputations as the smartest guys in the room - is why they have captured the investing public's imagination.
All the works of man have their origin in creative fantasy. What right have we then to depreciate imagination.
I have more of a vivid imagination than I have talent. I cook up ideas. It's just a characteristic.
A lot of young girls have looked to their career paths and have said they'd like to be chief. There's been a change in the limits people see.
Computers have become more friendly, understandable, and lots of years and thought have been put into developing software to convince people that they want and need a computer.
I used to have this Mercedes, a dark blue 450SLC, which was the most beautiful car. I'd like to have another unusual, beautiful car.