Beloved children have many names.
Hasty climbers have sudden falls.
Who has no courage must have legs.
Say what you have to say, tomorrow.
We hate whom we have injured.
If you have the moon, ignore the stars.
A tiger does not have to proclaim its tigritude.
Knotty timber must have sharp wedges.
Guests always have nice backs.
Kings have many ears and eyes.
Sailors have a port in every storm.
Any clod can have the facts; having opinions is an art.
A dream, strayed into daylight.
You're going to have haters and you're going to have lovers.
You have to have a globally competitive mining dispensation.
If you want to have traction in China, you have to be in China.
You don't have to have an eating disorder to be happy or successful.
You have to know who you are, if you don't you have nightmares.
I have a disease, but I also have a lot of other things.
If you are having fun on screen, it shows.
I would have loved to have been in a Hitchcock movie.