Writing is like trying to escape quicksand. The harder you try the faster you sink.
The Red Sun: Legends of OrkneyIt's harder to hate someone when they like the same ice cream as you.
The Summer of Hammers and AngelsIt was harder for the ones who were waiting, Annemarie knew. Less danger, perhaps, but more fear.
Number the StarsLast words are always harder to remember when no one knows that someone's about to die.
Looking for Alaska...cause it was hard... so much harder... when I couldn't live with me.
In Loving You - A Journey of Love and Self DiscoveryThis is Waldo Butters, and his geek penis is longer and harder than any of ours put together.
Turn Coat...nothing in the world is harder than convincing someone of an unfamiliar truth.
The Wise Man's FearIt is good to brush your teeth when you are angry, because you brush harder and do a better job.
Who Could That Be at This Hour?