Age gives you a great sense of proportion. You can be very hard on yourself when you're younger but now I just think 'well everybody's absolutely mad and I'm doing quite well'.
I have been alone since my husband died. I stay in my home. I don't date. It's hard to date when you're at home. Nobody knows you.
You can't call me a Twitter phenomenon or a YouTube one. These things are useful, but so's hard gigging. One year I did 311 shows. I did six in one night alone.
In Los Angeles, sometimes it's hard to find a magazine stand, let alone one that has the magazine that you want. So I find that the longer I live in L.A., the more digitally I consume.
I was a philosophy major as an undergraduate, and I'm just an arrogant little thing. It's hard for me to admit that I can't understand something, let alone not be in charge of it.
I think, at heart, unless you discover faith in something else, something other, it's very hard to shake the thing that you're adrift alone.
Without strength and courage it's really hard to perform at the highest levels of international figure skating, because you're alone on the ice and you only have seven minutes over two nights to prove yourself.
I am married to the most amazing, generous and beautiful human being and it has been hard on him because from the outside if you look at it it's just all about me.
Try as hard as we may for perfection, the net result of our labors is an amazing variety of imperfectness. We are surprised at our own versatility in being able to fail in so many different ways.
As far as the girls in my grade, it was always kind of an on-and-off thing. When all this came up, it was kind of hard. My guy friends and my family friends have been so amazing and supportive.
I don't like a lot of the stuff that goes on in the art world, but it's hard to be old and like what goes on around you.
Being a bad guy was easy, being a hero was hard.
As exits go, that's a good one." It was pretty hard to have the last word with a vampire.
So," he asked. "How's death?" "Hard," she said. "It just keeps going.
and it is hard to let go, to imagine alternatives, but you are bold with unknowing, you are ready to explore.
But there's so much that was a lie, it's hard to figure out what was true, what was real, what matters.
The wars not over, but this battle is. It’s time to pick up the pieces and move forward.
Loving a warrior is hard. Dying in the line of duty is an honor to them. They would rather take that road than to dishonor their sacred oath
Mitch thought she looked like an angel might—if the angel had fallen very hard into a very naughty position.
It’s hard to hear the gentle whisper of the Spirit amid the noise of Christendom.
Stop making excuses of why you can’t or how hard it is and start making your life matter.