I hope that I get to see you love what you are. To know yourself as gift and worth and truth. That you see what a huge thing it is to have the courage to break your own heart. That you have chosen wholeness — even when it has shattered you. And tha...
For years and years, even during the time of my first visit in 1962, it has been said that Calcutta was dying, that its port was silting up, its antiquated industry declining, but Calcutta hadn't died. It hadn't done much, but it had gone on; and it ...
Ik denk dat ieder mens twee levens leidt, een vanbinnen en een vanbuiten. Subject en object. Het leven vanbinnen is het ware, het echte. Ik denk dat de mensen mooi worden als hun binnenleven doorschijnt naar buiten, als ze niet nadenken wat voor indr...
[T]his readiness to assume the guilt for the threats to our environment is deceptively reassuring: We like to be guilty since, if we are guilty, it all depends on us. We pull the strings of the catastrophe, so we can also save ourselves simply by cha...
All of that art-for-art’s-sake stuff is BS,” she declares. “What are these people talking about? Are you really telling me that Shakespeare and Aeschylus weren’t writing about kings? All good art is political! There is none that isn’t. And ...
The summer I turned eleven, I found out that ghosts are real. Guess it's hard to rest nice and easy in your coffin if you got stuff on your mind. Your soul stays chained to earth instead of zipping up to heaven to sing in one of the angel choirs. Som...
Kiss me hot,heavy,wet & angry with that attitude like you do when your mouth yells it hates me but your tongue screams it can’t wait for me. Hug me, touch me, submit to me with that insatiable passion like you do when you thought you could leave bu...
The steeper the climb, the more incentive to reach the top. Even in the midst of the darkness, there is always a shard of light if we will but search for it hard enough and believe in it strongly enough. A name portrays the nature of its wearer. The ...
Just when it seemed my mother couldn’t bear one more needle, one more insane orange pill, my sister, in silence, stood at the end of the bed and slowly rubbed her feet, which were scratchy with hard, yellow skin, and dirt cramped beneath the broken...
Charles Foster Kane: [to Thatcher] The trouble is, you don't realize you're talking to two people. As Charles Foster Kane, who has 82,634 shares of Public Transit Preferred. You see, I do have a general idea of my holdings. I sympathize with you. Cha...
Dwayne T. Robinson: I've got a hundred people down here, and they're covered with glass. John McClane: Glass? Who gives a shit about glass? Who the fuck is this? Dwayne T. Robinson: This is Deputy Chief of Police, Dwayne T. Robinson, and I am in char...
Ikuei Sasaki: Oh, you... So you're not depressing. Daigo Kobayashi: Thank you Ikuei Sasaki: I knew an ad would work. Make some tea. Daigo Kobayashi: My resume... Ikuei Sasaki: Good. Sit down. Daigo Kobayashi: Thank you. Ikuei Sasaki: Will you work ha...
Henry Barthes: How are you to imagine anything if the images are always provided for you? Henry Barthes: Doublethink. To deliberately believe in lies, while knowing they're false. Henry Barthes: Examples of this in everyday life: "Oh, I need to be pr...
John Merrick: [after seeing pictures of Dr. Treves' family] Would you care to see my mother? Dr. Frederick Treves: [surprised] Your mother? Yes please. [John pulls out a small portrait] Mrs. Treves: Oh but she's... Mr. Merrick, she's beautiful! John ...
[Studying a Miró painting] Raymond Deagan: So, what's your opinion on modern art? Cathy Whitaker: It's hard to put into words, really. I just know what I care for and what I don't. Like this... I don't know how to pronounce it... Mira? Raymond Deaga...
[gathering wood to shore up the tunnels, Hilts removes the wooden slats from bunk beds in the sleeping area of the prisoner barracks, holding a stack of them, and walks carefully out into the hallway] Cavendish: [passes Hilts in the hallway on his wa...
Receptionist: I can't resist! You usually move through here so quickly and I just have so many questions I want to ask you. You have no idea what your work means to me. Melvin Udall: What does it mean to you? Receptionist: [stands up] When somebody o...
[first lines] Patrick Kenzie: I always believed it was the things you don't choose that makes you who you are. Your city, your neighborhood, your family. People here take pride in these things, like it was something they'd accomplished. The bodies ar...
[first lines] Tony Stark: I feel like you're driving me to court martial. This is crazy. What did I do? I feel like you're gonna pull over and snuff me. What, you're not allowed to talk? Hey, Forrest! Jimmy: We can talk, sir. Tony Stark: Oh, I see. S...
Older Joe: How's your French coming? Joe: Good. You gonna tell me I ought to be learning Mandarin? Older Joe: I never regretted learning French. [in French] Older Joe: I know you have a gun between your legs. [in English] Older Joe: No? Well, you'll ...
Gandalf: I think you should leave the ring behind, Bilbo. Is that so hard? Bilbo: Well, no. [frowning] Bilbo: ...and yes. Now it comes to it, I don't feel like parting with it. It's mine, I found it. It came to me! Gandalf: There's no need to get ang...