Throughout my journey in basketball, I always have someone to talk to in my father. I know how hard he had to work as an athlete.
I just work out hard enough that, if I'm craving something, I eat it and know I'm going to burn it off the next day with extra intensity.
I worked really hard in college, and I came out a completely different person and performer than when I went in. I did the work, and I found a craft.
I want people to understand my journey and to be inspired by that. You can be an immigrant, and if you work really hard, you can have your own restaurant.
I work really hard at these books, and when colleagues write nasty reviews of them, I take it very personally.
My mother raised us to think that if we worked hard, and if we put our end of the bargain in, it would work out OK for us.
I'm very proud of our NHL players. I think they all handle themselves extremely well and they all work really hard.
I think everyone remembers how certain Russian bureaucrats used to work against the Ukrainian opposition; I think it is hard to drop old habits.
It was my father who taught us that an immigrant must work twice as hard as anybody else, that he must never give up.
You can find women who have never had an affair, but it is hard to find a woman who has had just one.
I've seen some women who are not particularly attractive but they have an assurance, and there's something so attractive about someone who doesn't have to work so hard.
Auditions are hard. You should see what most of the women look like when I audition for things - they look like they should be on the catwalk.
If you feel like it's hard to be friends with women, consider that maybe women aren't the problem. Maybe it's just you.
If you just play really hard, he says, nothing else matters.
Strike hard and true, crow, or I'll come back and haunt you.
Wait a minute, hold on... The dude dies, and the girl cries so hard that she gets turned into a
For in today’s generation of teenagers finding acceptance is hard, especially for those who dare to be different-then it’s impossible.
It's cloaked in cultural mumbo jumbo, but I assure you that it is very hard science.
I have worked too damn hard encasing that beating life force into a steel box.
I’m so hard right now my dick can cut diamonds. - Andrew Parrish
It’s a great advantage not to drink among hard drinking people.