...choosing words is harder than I thought.
Always" is a good word to believe in.
And empty words are evil.
Words are the source of misunderstandings.
The true poem rests between the words.
The word in your mouth is anarchy.
Start writing by thinking, not wrestling with words.
The words sounded like a mournful incantation.
The language of Friendship is not words, but meanings.
To live was to be a fragment of the cosmere that was experiencing itself.
Hope is believe in the word of God.
My father is a fish.
The calling of the humanities is to make us truly human in the best sense of the word.
There are words which are worth as much as the best actions, for they contain the germ of them all.
Eternity. Isn't that word terrifying?
Our words have wings, but fly not where we would.
Forgiveness is really just another word for freedom.
It seems inevitable that the magic of the written word will fade.
'Never' is too much of a word. Nothing lasts forever.
That word, fan, has always kind of bothered me.
If I'm not at my study by 10:00, 10:30, forget it, I can't write a word.