One picture is worth a thousand words.
Kind words are worth much and they cost little.
The people who stand before kings may look like they did it all by themselves. But in fact they are invariably the beneficiaries of hidden advantages and extraordinary opportunities and cultural legacies that allow them to learn and work hard and mak...
We forget even incense in easy times; come hard times, we embrace the Buddha's feet.
The Greek word that Jesus said on the cross and that we interpret as “It is finished ” is the Greek word tetelestai. Tetelestai comes from the verb teleo, which means to bring to an end, to complete, to accomplish. In the times of Jesus, receipts...
At the last moment, Antoinette came out of her faint and shouted one word to her child. That word, reader, was adieu... Adieu is the French word for farewell. “Farewell” is not the word you would like to hear from your mother as you are being led...
... it's all words and only words, and beyond the words there's nothing... a word, which, like all the others, can only be explained by more words, but since the words we use to explain things, successfully or not, will, in turn, have to be explained...
A picture is worth ten thousand words.
If one word does not succeed, ten thousand are of no avail.
(N)ot writing was hard work, almost as hard as writing.
Procrastination makes easy things hard, hard things harder.
Do not work hard for the love of money; but work hard to enrich the life you love.
Fabulous place, Dublin is. The trouble is, you work hard and in Dublin you play hard as well.
The only thing that overcomes hard luck is hard work.
No, I don't believe in hard work. If something is hard, leave it. Let it come to you. Let it happen.
Teach children the value of work and to work hard at everything they do. The virtue of compassion and value of appreciation of the hard work of others too.
Kids are meant to believe that their stepping stone to massive money is 'The X Factor.' Luck is great, but most of life is hard work. We do not celebrate people who have made success out of serious hard work.
I hope someone thinks I sing good. I'm always working hard to sing better. I sound the way I sound, but I can always be better. I work hard at singing and being a better recording artist.
Yeah, that's what kind of, we get the idea a little bit yeah, because other people from different countries also try as hard as they can to get a medal or a gold medal in the Olympic Games. And you know, if they can work hard, we can work hard as wel...
Just because you're part of 'Twilight' does not mean you're a superstar. It means that you're given the opportunity to maybe become one later if you work hard. Once fandom goes away, which it will very soon, it's all about having your priorities stra...
Church, in the New Testament sense of the word, is not a meeting we attend, but a group of which we are a part, and a group we serve within.