It's tough for those celebrity couples. It's really hard. My wife wasn't in the limelight, which made it easier... the key is to keep it happy, light, and fun.
There are so many effects and so many things that are done digitally now that it's so hard for the director to really control the process, because there are more and more experts that come in.
When you are desperate to get someone who isn't all that interested in you, you lay siege as hard as you can.
The natural gas industry has worked long and hard to smear Josh Fox, the director of 'Gasland,' and has failed.
Protestations of indifference to higher office are hard to take seriously when the 'non-candidate' is busily engaged in testing the waters.
I started taking all these cooking classes. I learned a lot in them, but you think you're going to retain it, and you don't. Under the pressure, it's hard to retain everything.
It's hard to believe President George Bush gave a speech in New Orleans about disaster recovery and failed to mention the word 'farm' or the word 'rural.'
It's hard to tell whether the ship or airplane - they're all the same, I'm convinced - is male or female; it may shift back and forth.
Especially during the first nine months, there was so much going on with trying to hire 55 people to run the city, it was hard to imagine any honeymoon.
I don't try to guess what a million people will like. It's hard enough to know what I like.
Is it or is it not a matter of importance that a young man starts out in life with an ability to shut his jaw hard and say "I will," or "I will not," and mean it?
It takes a long, hard effort and sustained determination to reduce crime. We will stay the course and we are confident that the numbers will continue to go down.
In the beginning, I thought it would be really glamorous, working in fashion. But it's actually quite hard. You don't even know half the stuff that goes on backstage.
I think a lot of ladies get quite scared about people like me, 'rock stars', and it can be hard to meet the right sort of person.
I find it very hard to sit down and create an idea or especially a new character on command. Usually my characters evolve by accident out of some story context.
I stand behind my words – it’s just hard to see me because they’re so much bigger than I am.
The transition from tyranny to democracy is very hard. The Syrian people have to handle this in a way that works in Syria. And the brutality of the Assad regime is unacceptable.
I came from the Bronx and a certain background. I worked really hard. I kept my focus on the right things.
Damning taxes is a piece of cake. It's defending them that's hard.
Mark Loring: [in reference to Juno's stretched out shirt due to pregnancy] Wow! That shirt's workin' hard.
I think life is full of challenges and problems. I don't believe that anyone is perfect. We all make mistakes. It's not a bed of roses, and you have to work real hard at it.