One can't do anything alone in Haiti. Sharing and cooperation are so deeply woven into the culture that sometimes it's hard to have a separate thought.
If you're inclined to dismiss L.A. as a place of unrelenting vapidity and generic 1980s architecture, then you're doing yourself and L.A. a huge disservice, and you're just not looking hard enough.
The art of losing isn't hard to master; so many things seem filled with the intent to be lost that their loss is no disaster.
It was very hard breaking into the film industry in Britain. I had been to art school, and I was painting and doing commercials. And I did some of the very first rock videos.
It's a little hard not to worry when my best friend keeps on dying.
When the things get hard, there is a success near about.
...there was a shortage of soft furnishings and I’m sorry to say I was forced to use hard liquor.
Get past the hard-on, and you could feel him. I mean really feel him.
It is hard to fight with one's heart's desires; whatever it wishes to get, it purchases at the cost of the soul.
The one who is doing his work and getting satisfaction from it is not the one the poverty is hard on.
I felt so skinless at times! Things hit me so hard!
Hard truths can be dealt with, triumphed over, but lies will destroy your soul.
You realize that our mistrust of the future makes it hard to give up the past.
Fame is a funny thing, like a secret, both are hard to keep.
I turned to her, my whole body hard with tiredness and regret.
Growing up is hard, love. Otherwise everyone would do it.
Long is the way and hard, that out of Hell leads up to light.
You'll be fine, just some minor burns and hypothermia, which was kind of hard to explain.
Anyone can get their hands on a fortune but to become successful one must work intelligent and hard.”- EMW
What's the rule for fighting? Hit the soft parts with your hand and the hard parts with a utensil?
I think the future deserves our faith. But it is hard to argue with Emily Dickinson.