I been through some things but I worked hard to get to where I'm at.
It was really hard to find another project after my first film.
It's incredibly hard to program a network from scratch for 24 hours.
It's hard to make out the difference between insults and bad advice.
I find it really hard to even read another script while shooting.
Must is a hard nut to crack, but it has a sweet kernel.
I have to have breakfast, and breakfast has to be eggs, whether in omelet form, hard-boiled, or over-easy.
It's hard to win a pennant, but it's harder to lose one.
South Sudan is one of the most hard-put places in the world.
I'm shooting for longevity. The road is hard on your body.
It's easy to make a film, but it's hard to make a career of being a filmmaker.
It's very hard to accept that stoning still exists in the world today.
Treat each federal dollar as if it was hard earned; it was - by a taxpayer.
I found leaving Manchester United very, very hard.
Comedy is incredibly hard. You have to be loose. You have to be not afraid to fail.
It's really hard to make a living as a musician. It's almost impossible.
It's hard to play basketball when nothing is inside of you.
Even though college has been hard, I don't want to give up.
We are pushing hard to find quality advertising clients.
Christians are hard to tolerate; I don’t know how Jesus does it
I stay hidden. I'm sort of hard to find.