If you can learn to love yourself and all the flaws, you can love other people so much better. And that makes you so happy.
We would all love to walk up to someone and shoot them in the head, there's no doubt about that. We're too civilised to admit it, but we're happy to read about it.
I don't necessarily pay extreme attention to what I wear on a daily basis, but I do love to wear something special for an important occasion or when I feel happy.
You solely owe success and happiness to yourself. So why not make your inner-self proud of your daily decisions and actions?
Many people are living unhappily because they keep trying to experience happiness without evicting the negative thoughts and beliefs that are vandalizing their minds.
You must refuse to entertain or shelter in your mind, any thought or belief that goes against your happiness and success in life.
Any thought or belief that doesn't suggest the realities of success and happiness in your life, should never be granted the access to dwell in your mind.
Happiness is nothing but a blissful feeling that can only be activated when positive thoughts and beliefs are constantly dwelling in one's mind.
The beauty of happiness is that you can solely attain it despite what people say or think about you.
Life will always be full of great possibilities, as long as one approaches it with a mind that deeply believes in an endless journey of success and happiness.
Don't permit negative minds and things to distract you from your happiness. Your life doesn't deserve to miss any moment of it.
It is impossible for one to become happy in life, if one keeps holding on to the thoughts and beliefs that caused one's misery in the first place.
Any thought that goes against your happiness or progress surely doesn't deserve a space in your mind.
The spirit of gratitude is definitely one of the main keys to happiness and constant growth. Every blessing needs to be celebrated and transformed into a motivation for more blessings.
Never allow anyone to convince you into believing that your weren't brought into this life to experience a life of massive success and unconditional happiness.
I challenge you to start focusing on the things that are good about your day instead of what is bad about it. Happiness is nothing but a state of mind.
Happiness is a feeling that can never be created without constantly reminding yourself about the things that are good in your life instead of the things that are bad about it.
They might not like your uniqueness, but as long as you are happy with your inner-self, you should never dare to change your life to please them.
If thou wilt make a man happy, add not unto his riches but take away from his desires.
Something I learned when overcoming anxiety and depression was that I was not searching for happiness but for satisfaction with and in my life.
[Happiness is] a ghost, it’s a shadow. You can’t really chase it. It’s a by-product, a very pleasant side effect to a life lived well.