Ideology is dead..Politics is about give some, take back a lot more. Its business at the end of the day. - Ravi Nehra
Sometimes I wake up with such an immense sense of disappointment that I can hardly breathe.
But I quite like the way you can talk about science without necessarily using mathematics, but using metaphors instead.
Jim Reston: Walking through the crowds of air-kissing politicians, actors and high fliers, it was tough to tell where the politics stopped and the showbiz started. Maybe, in the end, there is no difference.
It's funny whom we end up choosing to love and who ends up choosing to love us. It's rarely the people we think it should be.
MacKinnon captures this is in her succinct lesson on the grammar of pornography and male dominance: 'Man fucks woman; subject verb object.
God arranges everything for us, so that we need have no more fear or trouble and may be quite sure that all things will come right in the end.
In the end, I go where I always go when I need information on something baffling, poisonous, or terrifying: the library.
In the end, they will say this of the human race: they had the freedom to go anywhere, but sat in front of the television. They were each responsible for saving the world, but they turned over the channel.
I didn’t know if I should put my faith in God or Satan. Was there really a difference at the end of the day, when we were all going to be dead souls anyway?
In the end, age in numbers is no more than an empty bag. The only way to truly tell a person's years is by examing the contents they have filled it with.
What are you going to do if you have all the money in the world and all the things that you wanted to achieve in your business and you have no one to share it with? You come home alone at the end of the day. And then what?
The art of dancing stands at the source of all the arts that express themselves first in the human person. The art of building, or architecture, is the beginning of all the arts that lie outside the person; and in the end they unite.
If art is any good, it has so much of a longer trajectory than one night. Contemporary art is separate from art openings. In the end, it depends on the strength of ideas in each piece.
I had a million different dreams but none of them was stronger than the rest. In the end they probably would have paralyzed me.
Gods die. And when they truly die they are unmourned and unremembered. Ideas are more difficult to kill than people, but they can be killed, in the end.
And don't tell me the end justifies the means because it doesn't. We never reach the end. All we ever get is means. That's what we live with.
Racing is about discipline and intelligence, not about who has the heavier foot. The one who drives smart will always win in the end.
It might feel like the end of the world-- but it's the beginning of your art.
Fatigue is here, in my body, in my legs and eyes. That is what gets you in the end. Faith is only a word, embroidered.
but at the end of the day, who I come home to, who I share my accomplishments with is what makes the struggle worth it