This meal happened to be a make-believe tea, and they sat 'round the board guzzling in their greed; and really, what with their chatter and recriminations, the noise, as Wendy said, was postiviely deafening.
She knows that feeling too. Of believing that each time someone says her name, it’s to tell her that something bad has happened.
Everything on earth has happened before, nothing is new, but woe to the lovers who fail to discover a fresh blossom in every future kiss.
Can’t call ‘em zombies anymore,” sighed Manny. He seemed almost wistful. “Now we gotta be all politically correct. It’s like the Cold Wars never happened.
But the world is out there, and it understands that the illusion of knowledge and freedom is not the same as the real thing. Eventually it will fade, and there are those who will do whatever it takes to make that happen sooner rather than later.
It’s strange how things can change back as suddenly as they changed originally. When one thing happens and suddenly, things are back to normal.
Things end. People leave. And you know what? Life goes on. Besides, if bad things didn't happen, how would you be able to feel the good ones?
I was manipulating my inner experience rather than being with what was actually happening.
I would have gone too but I wanted to come straight back to you.I kept thinking of you, waiting here, all by yourself, not knowing what was going to happen.
We do on stage things that are supposed to happen off. Which is a kind of integrity, if you look on every exit as being an entrance somewhere else.
...and he just sat back and stared at the tube, almost interested in what was happening, trying to find the ability to believe in that lie so he could believe the one within.
You do not have to respond to a tiny annoying mosquito with a large hammer. You know what will happen? You will miss and hurt yourself.
If, as has been postulated before, heroism happens when courage meets circumstance, what if the circumstances are mundane?
I understand true life doesn't happen when I constantly gaze backwards, mulling over all the injustices others have done or I have done to others.
What'd you think would happen when you died? That the prophecy would just be over and we'd all be like, oops, guess we got that one wrong?
Why did this keep happening? Why her? Perhaps there was some pheromone certain people omitted, perceivable only on a wavelength unique to those individuals who preyed on them.
Why didn't I ask him for his number, address, e-mail — anything? Why? Because I'm in a sodding war zone, that's why. And I'm a soldier. And this wasn't supposed to happen.
Love? Dude. It’s like a fart. You don’t even know it's happening, but all of a sudden,it crawls up the crack of your ass and then the stink hits you.
She sees things — things that might happen, things that are coming. But it’s very subjective. The future isn’t set in stone. Things change.
Why do you work so hard to make yourself disliked? I should think you'd find it happens enough on its own without putting yourself to any extra trouble.
Last night my girl and I were knocking boots, but it won’t happen tonight, because earlier today I went out and bought a doorbell.