Everything about 'Hugo' to me is poignant, from the broken orphan to the old man losing his past to the fragility of film itself.
Yet consider now, whether women are not quite past sense and reason, when they want to rule over men.
Too often in the past, U.S. leaders have forced Israel to pay the price for American strategic interests in the Middle East - through concessions in the peace process as well as passivity in the face of Iraqi attacks.
Don't waste time on what's not important. Don't get sucked into the drama. Get on with it: don't dwell on the past. Be a big person; be generous of spirit; be the person you'd admire.
We won the war, but we are losing the occupation and reconstruction of Iraq. It is past time for a new approach, one that relies on accountability, responsibility, and phasing down the scope of our military commitment.
My employer was never at any time aware of anything in my past beyond the writing I did, because, frankly, it isn't relevant to the job I was asked to do, which was to be a reporter.
For the past seven years we have been cracking down on crime in Missouri, passing tougher laws for drug crimes and sex offenses and requiring prisoners to serve more time.
Islam expect every Muslim to do this duty, and if we realise our responsibility time will come soon when we shall justify ourselves worthy of a glorious past.
That past is still within our living memory, a time when neighbour helped neighbour, sharing what little they had out of necessity, as well as decency.
These rovers are living on borrowed time. We're so past warranty on them. You try to push them hard every day because we're living day to day.
That's my dream job, to be able to mail songs out to people who want to hear them. Paste my face on them and not travel all over the world trying to sell them.
There was a time, in the not so distant past, that if you didn't have what you needed on Thanksgiving, you were pretty much going to have to wait until Friday. Not anymore!
I scare the neighbors, the kids... They don't come to my house for trick-or-treating, trust me. I had to buy exactly zero amount of dollars worth of candy for the past couple of years.
Trust me, my runners aren't going to run one event while looking past it to the second event. When they get on the line for the 10K, that's a do-or-die situation for them.
With everything that you can imagine at our fingertips, many of the social interactions that help tie people together in a community have faded away. Are communities traditionally built on relationships, trust and familiarity a thing of the past?
Lt. Escobar: How'd you get past the guard? Jake Gittes: Well, to tell you the truth, I lied a little.
Old Paul Edgecomb: I guess sometimes the past just catches up with you, whether you want it to or not.
Rebecca: This is so bad it's almost good. Enid: This is so bad it's gone past good and back to bad again.
Marie Brisson: I'll tell them to apologize. Samir: In this way, you will teach them that always there is an escape way named apology!
Lucie: Do you know why she fell in love with that jerk? Because he looked like you.
H.I.: I found myself driving past convenience stores... that weren't on the way home.