In Every Aspect Of Your Life, Be Amazing...Be You!” ― Timothy Pina, Hearts for Haiti
Hearts for Haiti: Book of Poetry & InspirationDuring life's crisis...try to worry less and smile more.
Hearts for Haiti: Book of Poetry & InspirationIf you're not part of the solution...then you're part of the problem. Don't be part of the problem!
Hearts for Haiti: Book of Poetry & InspirationAbuse...Injustice....Hate...Racism...Are all the same! They're all WRONG!✌
Hearts for Haiti: Book of Poetry & InspirationIf freedom isn't worth dying for, then...what is it really worth?
Hearts for Haiti: Book of Poetry & InspirationAlways Be Postively Positive In Your Life...It Will Get You Everywhere!
Hearts for Haiti: Book of Poetry & InspirationIn Life...You're either part of the solution or part of the problem. Don't be part of the problem.
Hearts for Haiti: Book of Poetry & InspirationWhen We Share...We Show The Universe That We Truly Care :)
Hearts for Haiti: Book of Poetry & Inspiration