I had a dream about you last night.. you were holding a pine cone and introducing him as Gerald.
I Had a Dream About YouI had a dream about you last night. We watched pornography together, but purely for the storyline.
I Had a Dream About YouI had a dream about you last night.. you were trying to give coordinates to an apple
I Had a Dream About YouI had a dream about you last night.. You kept screaming at Ted Danson to pour you a drink.
I Had a Dream About YouI had a dream about you last night... You tried to propose with a digital ceramic heater.
I Had a Dream About YouI had a dream about you last night... shortly after I woke up screaming in terror.
I Had a Dream About YouIf I had followed every urge I ever had, I would have had much more sex and killed a lot more people
Just Went Out for Milk