[first lines] Title Card: 1757 / The American colonies. / It is the 3rd year of the war between England and France for the possession of the continent. / Three men, the last of a vanishing people, are on the frontier west of the Hudson River.
Lt. Gen. George Miller: Twelve thousand troops. But that's not enough. That's the amount that are going to die. And at the end of a war you need some soldiers left, really, or else it looks like you've lost.
Karen Clarke: Linton has set up a secret war committee. I just know it. I mean, Linton is an absolute lunatic, Liza. He is dangerous. The voices in his head are now sing barbershop together.
[first lines] Yuri Orlov: There are over 550 million firearms in worldwide circulation. That's one firearm for every twelve people on the planet. The only question is: How do we arm the other 11?
Yuri Orlov: I sell to leftists, and rightists. I sell to pacifists, but they're not the most regular customers. Of course, you're not a *true* internationalist until you've supplied weapons to kill your *own* countrymen.
Yuri Orlov: I am not a fool. I know that just because they needed me that day didn't mean they wouldn't make me a scapegoat the next.
Yuri Orlov: In the most AIDS-infested region of the globe - where 1 in 4 is infected - Andy's idea of a joke was to put a young Iman and a young Naomi in my bed - and no condom within a hundred miles.
Yuri Orlov: [voiceover] You don't have to worry. I'm not gonna tell you a pack of lies to make me look good. I'm just gonna tell you what happened.
Nux: [In the midst of a massive, violent sandstorm, after witnessing his fellow WarBoys sucked off the War Rig into a vortex] Oh, what a day... what a lovely day!
Lone Watie: We thought about it for a long time, "Endeavor to persevere." And when we had thought about it long enough, we declared war on the Union.
Sgt. Elias: Barnes believes in what he's doing. Chris Taylor: And you? Do you believe? Sgt. Elias: In '65, yeah. Now, no. What happened today is just the beginning. We're gonna lose this war.
Jigo: These days, there are angry ghosts all around us - dead from wars, sickness, starvation - and nobody cares. So you say you're under a curse? So what? So's the whole damn world.
[first lines] Patton: Now I want you to remember that no bastard ever won a war by dying for his country. He won it by making the other poor dumb bastard die for his country.
Kurogane: Saburo is not our only enemy. Jiro: So what? If they attack, we retaliate. We grab their land and enlarge our own. Kurogane: Fine words, but words don't win wars.
[Arguing about whether or not to attack the radio nest] Mellish: I'm just saying, this seems like an unnecessary risk considering our objective, sir. Captain Miller: Our objective is to win the war.
Trade Agent: You all are Browncoats, eh? Fought for independence? Petty thieving ain't exactly soldiers' work. Capt. Malcolm Reynolds: War's long done. We're all just folk now.
Cartman, Kyle, Stan: [singing] Why did our mothers start this war? What the fuck are they fighting for? When did this song become a marathon?
Ben Obi-Wan Kenobi: The Force is what gives a Jedi his power. It's an energy field created by all living things. It surrounds us and penetrates us. It binds the galaxy together.
Commander #1: We've analyzed their attack, sir, and there is a danger. Should I have your ship standing by? Governor Tarkin: Evacuate? In our moment of triumph? I think you overestimate their chances.
Luke Skywalker: I don't understand how we got by those troops. I thought we were dead. Ben Obi-Wan Kenobi: The Force can have a strong influence on the weak-minded.
[X-wings are approaching Death Star] Wedge Antilles (Red 2): Look at the *size* of that thing! Red Leader: Cut the chatter, Red 2. Accelerate to attack speed.