Experience has shown how deeply the seeds of war are planted by economic rivalry and social injustice.
Unless everyone grasps the importance of having only two children per couple, wars won't be over just oil anymore, they will be over water and food.
Most wars are not fought over shortages of resources such as food and water, but rather over conquest, revenge, and ideology.
The media bring our wars home, but only rarely have they been able to do it in complete freedom.
But it required a disastrous, internecine war to bring this question of human freedom to a crisis, and the process of striking the shackles from the slave was accomplished in a single hour.
A family is too frail a vessel to contain the risks of all the warring impulses expressed when such a group meets on common ground.
The war is dreadful. It is the business of the artist to follow it home to the heart of the individual fighters - not to talk in armies and nations and numbers - but to track it home.
I full well realize that politics is a rough and tumble business, but politics should not be reduced to lobbing partisan hand grenades. Politics is not war. Terrorism is.
The war being fought in Afghanistan and Iraq is bringing about a fundamental change to the environment that has given rise and power to the extremists who export terrorism.
I'd like to see the government get out of war altogether and leave the whole field to private individuals.
At the first rumors of war, timid investors in various government stock, being panic-stricken, sell out, to their loss and the gamblers' gain.
The war in Iraq will end, our troops will come home, Bush will be impeached and he will be brought to justice.
The only plan the Administration seems to have for winning the war is that there is no plan and no schedule for our troops to come home and get out of harm's way.
I know that war is very cruel and that life is harder when you aren't able to live in the place you called home.
Of course, Mississippi participates in federal matching programs for everything from preserving the post-Civil War home of Jefferson Davis to beaver control.
Happiness is a byproduct of function, purpose, and conflict; those who seek happiness for itself seek victory without war.
I think that this is the first war in history that on the morrow the victors sued for peace and the vanquished called for unconditional surrender.
All graffiti is low-level dissent, but stencils have an extra history. They've been used to start revolutions and to stop wars.
The idea of progress - the notion that human history is the history of human betterment - dominated the world view of the West between the Enlightenment and the First World War.
The War on Terror is one of the most critical national security efforts in our history.
Developments in information technology and globalised media mean that the most powerful military in the history of the world can lose a war, not on the battlefield of dust and blood, but on the battlefield of world opinion.