Success is like a seed, it waits for the right conditions that will allow it to grow.
You have to do your own growing no matter how tall your grandfather was.
It's really important to me to keep growing and keep finding new things.
Anyone who watches golf on television would enjoy watching the grass grow on the greens.
Baseball gives a growing boy self poise and self reliance.
In the long years liker they must grow; The man be more of woman, she of man.
I'm not trying to run away from my fans at all. I want them to grow with me.
And that will increasingly dawn on people. The demand for controlling the commanding heights will grow.
The shadows of twilight grow, And the tiger’s ancient fierceness In my veins begins to flow.
A sharp tongue is the only edge tool that grows keener with constant use.
China's movie industry is growing a lot faster than that of the U.S.
Small herbs have grace, great weeds to grow apace.
Spirits arrive at this world in naked bodies, their purpose - to grow wings.
Empowering women in the workforce is a key to growing the economy and having a thriving middle class.
Priorities like winning the War on Terror and providing tax relief that will keep our economy growing strong.
I'm too old to know everything
You know you're old if your walker has an airbag.
I got sober when I was 22 years old.
My father's a protector. My father's old-school. He's a cowboy.
I'm too old to do crazy things anymore.
I dress like a 30-year-old woman.