You should make an effort on stage because it's a performance. The stage should be glittery and camp, but I don't go down the shops in full stage gear.
Every effort brings me closer to my goal. Never give up, keep Trying And Success will be yours !
Last year, I co-sponsored the Highlands Conservation Act and in a bipartisan effort we passed the bill through Congress.
If like fcuks you hard, you fcuk her more harder. If she betrays, put little bit more effort and she will be dead flat.
Golf may be played on Sunday, not being a game within the view of the law, but being a form of moral effort.
Have a good day on purpose, then elevate your efforts towards other and enjoy a great day in purpose.
I'm lazy but generally task oriented so having a hoop to jump through means eventually I'll make the effort.
The constant effort towards population, which is found even in the most vicious societies, increases the number of people before the means of subsistence are increased.
The GOP doesn't seem particularly afraid of being perceived as blocking reform, despite efforts by the Obama White House to establish that narrative.
Virtues are acquired through endeavor, Which rests wholly upon yourself. So, to praise others for their virtues Can but encourage one's own efforts.
After Obama became president, I realized that black people could not have put him in the White House - it had to be a collective effort of everybody in the country.
Coming to the END of MYSELF and all SELF effort...seems to be the very point that God steps in and shows HIMSELF to be more than ENOUGH.
You have FALLEN from Grace when you seek to be Justification by your own self effort (the Law). Gal 5:4 AMP
Our team at Duolingo is really cohesive, but this did not just happen. I made a concerted effort to hire people who are going to play nice.
You will never know what you can accomplish until you really put in persistent effort and never giving up.
Make each day count by setting specific goals to succeed, then putting forth every effort to exceed your own expectations.
I've learned that if one is arrogant and if something bad happens to him, people won't want him to succeed. They will make more of an effort to bring him down.
Those who have the most, who earn the most, must give an example, because that is important for Spain's collective effort.
I don't believe that efforts to prohibit only so-called reproductive cloning can be successful.
Many other countries have already banned human cloning, and there are efforts at the UN to make such a ban universal.
No matter how well a person writes, a successful book is a team effort involving many, many people.