I work with youth offenders in LA, I've heard them speak and see how music manipulates them.
Lisa BonetFor a long time, I resisted seeing 'The Sound of Music,' but when I finally did, I cried.
Michael LearnedA Tribe Called Quest music was so inclusive, so conscious, it brought such a community together.
Michael RapaportBut my everyday music is classic rock. It's what I relate to the most and where my heart is.
Nicole RichieI really like listening to music when I'm hiking or exercising. I don't like hearing myself breathe.
Rebecca RomijnI'm in a band, and we play music. And that's sort of my way of still being a rock star.
Sunny MabreyI don't have a therapist, so I use me as my own therapist when I'm making the music.
Tyler, The Creator