I buy five of the same shirts. I literally have six blue shirts. Now I have six green shirts.
Patrick CarneyA Green Party candidate would be very different from a Democrat or Republican and should be heard.
Peter CamejoPier Angeli was in the movie called Sea of Sand that Guy Green directed where this idea came up.
Richard AttenboroughI'm a classic emerald green Sixties Jaguar that nobody can own, but my husband is allowed to drive.
Tori AmosI have a little Nintendo DS, and I play these brain games that are supposed to stimulate your mind.
Lindsey VonnYou are only limited to what you push yourself to, you know? You can always get better.
Lindsey VonnNinety percent of the day is working out. Sometimes I get my nails done and go to the grocery store.
Lindsey VonnI had to live in the desert before I could understand the full value of grass in a green ditch.
Ella Maillart