Miss Forcible: [reading tea leaves] Well, not to worry, child: It's good news. There's a tall, handsome beast in your future. Coraline Jones: A what? Miss Spink: Miriam, really, you're holding it wrong. See? Danger! Coraline Jones: What do you see? M...
Steve Dunham: I thought you were going to the match. Pete Dunham: Well, technically, yes. But, what happened was me and the boys got in a bit of a drinking session last night. One thing lead to another... Steve Dunham: Let me guess. You've lost your ...
Clare Quilty: She's a yellow belt. I'm a green belt. That's the way nature made it. What happens is, she throws me all over the place. Swine: She throws you all over the place? Clare Quilty: Yes. What she does, she gets me in a, sort of, thing called...
Tina Gray: All day long I've been seeing that guy's weird face and hearing those fingernails. Nancy: Fingernails? That's amazing you saying that. That made me remember the dream I had last night. Tina Gray: What'd you dream? Nancy: I dreamed about a ...
Nancy: [to her father] The killer's still loose, ya know. Donald: You're saying somebody else killed Tina? Who? Nancy: I don't know who he is, but he's burned and he wears a weird hat and a red and green sweater, really dirty. And he uses these knive...
Mark Van Doren: [reciting poetry at his birthday party] Now see summer bloom upon this lee, three score rings around this tree, once green, now bare, once lush, now sere, consoled only that I am planted here... John Van Doren: You certainly are! Mark...
Ben Wade: You ever been to San Francisco? Alice Evans: If it's all right by you Mr Wade, I'd rather we not talk Ben Wade: So you never been to San Francisco? Alice Evans: No Ben Wade: I knew a girl there. She was the daughter of a Sea-Captain. She ha...
Jake Sully: [as Jake pleads for Eywa's help in attacking the "Sky People"] If Grace is there with you - look in her memories - she can show you the world we come from. There's no green there. They killed their Mother, and they're gonna do the same he...
This is where we go our seperate ways. Aware of the almost feel of his hand on my arm when he pulls me back to him and says, "Yes." I look at him, unsure of what he's saying yes to. "The questions you asked earlier, about wanting to settle down, star...
Rome has been called the "Sacred City": - might not our Oxford be called so too? There is an air about it, resonant of joy and hope: it speaks with a thousand tongues to the heart: it waves its mighty shadow over the imagination: it stands in lowly s...
Very slowly, using only two fingers, Annabeth drew her dagger. Instead of dropping it, she tossed it as far as she could into the water. Octavian made a squeaking sound. “What was that for? I didn’t say toss it! That could’ve been evidence. Or ...
You’re a wonderful dancer, Ria.” “Mademoiselle Geraldine’s takes such things seriously.” “Ah. And how many ways do you know to kill me, while we dance?” “Only two, but give me time.” “You have lovely eyes. Has anyone ever told you...
On Love and Happiness:When someone embarks on his research, if he ever makes it, (there is, in addition, a contingency that he/she will never embark on it), then he sails on a journey, a course that incubates various events. It's like opening a preci...
A pleasant morning. Saw my classmates Gardner, and Wheeler. Wheeler dined, spent the afternoon, and drank Tea with me. Supped at Major Gardiners, and engag'd to keep School at Bristol, provided Worcester People, at their ensuing March meeting, should...
They were a deep emerald green, the exact same color as mine, and they glowed with an intensity I had never witnessed before. A slash of silver crossed each one, the sun's reflection making them sparkle like dancing crystals. The emerald irises appea...
The course of the Rhine below Mainz becomes much more picturesque. The river descends rapidly and winds between hills, not high, but steep, and of beautiful forms. We saw many ruined castles standing on the edges of precipices, surrounded by black wo...
When she comes down to supper I don't like her any better; in fact, a hell of a lot less. She's put on a shiny dress, all fishscales, like this was still India or the boat. On her head she's put a sort of beaded cap that fits close-like a hood. A mot...
We want our children to know and believe the one good story. Every other story is a copy or shadow of this one. Some copies of it are quite good and shout the Truth. Others see only the faintest whisper of it, or, in its absence remind us of the Trut...
Scarlett O'Hara was not beautiful, but men seldom realized it when caught by her charm as the Tarleton twins were. In her face were too sharply blended the delicate features of her mother, a Coast aristocrat of French descent, and the heavy ones of h...
I go downstairs and the books blink at me from the shelves. Or stare. In a trick of the light, a row of them seems to shift very slightly, like a curtain blown by the breeze through an open window. Red is next to blue is next to cream is adjacent to ...
Harry lost any sense of where they were: Streetlights above him, yells around him, he was clinging to the sidecar for dear life. Hedwig’s cage, the Firebolt, and his rucksack slipped from beneath his knees — “No — HEDWIG!” The broomstick sp...