Ben Smith's quick-hit campaign 'scoops' are about as viral as cat videos. That fits with Buzzfeed.
Cole Porter wrote Anything Goes and four more hits for me.
I'm 33 now and I seem to have hit a fitness plane. Shifting the wobbly bits isn't as easy as it used to be.
The difference between a beautifully made failure and a beautifully made hit is who you've got playing the leads.
You can't predict when a crisis might hit your family, whether it's with an elderly parent or with your children.
There will always be a business cycle, and white-collar workers will get hit in the next recession like they always do in recessions.
When it's your chance to step up to the plate, just hit it out of the park, and everybody will forget about everything that came before.
Everybody thinks it's going to be so glamorous, so cool, you're on 'Glee,' you know, a hit show or whatever.
When you're going into a game, you're not expected to hit a home run every game. You're just doing everything proper with proper swings.
All the New York City Ballet does is hit beautiful home runs.
It would have been a helluva lot more fun if I had not hit those sixty-one home runs.
When did it - When did it become okay for someone to hit home runs and forget how to play the rest of the game?
You don't have to swing hard to hit a home run. If you got the timing, it'll go.
Canadians can easily 'pass for American' as long as we don't accidentally use metric measurements or apologize when hit by a car.
I loved to make a great defensive play, I'd rather do that than hit a home run.
I had great control, I never missed hitting the other's fellow bat.
Exhilaration is that feeling you get just after a great idea hits you, and just before you realize what's wrong with it.
When good news about the market hits the front page of the New York Times, sell.
Good new songs are the backbone of the music industry. There isn't an artist out there who could survive without hit songs.
Be good to people, be kind to people, show up, read the lines, hit the mark, and go home.
Bill Justis was a saxophone player, good musician, arranger, and friend of mine who had a big hit called 'Raunchy.'