Your attitude toward life is more important than environment, upbringing, and even your education. So always have a happy positive attitude.
We all are unique, but we are also part of the humanity, which is our common body. With harmony, love, kindness, and compassion we can live together with joy and happiness.
To enjoy a flower see her with your heart, understand her hopes and desires, feel her softness and kindness, know her love and happiness, and then see her beauties.
In early spring, every petal of tulips sing a song of love and life, dance with joy and happiness to enjoy her short life of dazzling beauty.
Asher means 'happy and blessed' which embodies my eldest. Caleb means 'stubborn and tenacious dog' and I can't even tell you how much that is my little boy! It was a useful warning.
When you choose happiness be ready to be called a mad man. Don't waste a single moment of your life, live it, rock it because life's too short to pretend.
In the end, the number of prayers we say may contribute to our happiness, but the number of prayers we answer may be of even greater importance.
They didn’t realize that if you take away the possibility of pain, and suffering, failure…you also take away the possibility of happiness, success, and joy." -The Old Man: DOMINATUS
Life is as dear to a mute creature as it is to man. Just as one wants happiness and fears pain, just as one wants to live and not die, so do other creatures.
When we feel love and kindness toward others, it not only makes others feel loved and cared for, but it helps us also to develop inner happiness and peace.
The greater the level of calmness of our mind, the greater our peace of mind, the greater our ability to enjoy a happy and joyful life.
The thing is, I actually feel a lot more comfortable at school just bumming around with my friends than I do at Hollywood parties. But then, I guess you're just never happy with what you have.
Every new invention is like a baby. You think it may cure cancer or become the president, but in the end, you're happy it just stays out of jail.
To live entirely without a goal! I have glimpsed this state, and have often attained it, without managing to remain there: I am too weak for such happiness.
Some people are just so happy to get published to, they sign anything. Next thing you know, they've signed over the rights to their book.
Lots of people say we should fly less, heat less, and put on a sweater. But it's not going to happen. People are happy to say that for other people, but not themselves.
Simple formula for the actor: prove you're creative enough to get the job, sane enough to keep the job, and hungry enough to give up everything else to keep them happy.
Stupidity knows no bounds and certainly no city limits, but by and large, 99 percent of the people who come to Melvins shows seem to be relatively well behaved... I'm happy and relieved by this.
Those who have never known the deep intimacy and the intense companionship of happy mutual love have missed the best thing that life has to give.
Having a low opinion of yourself is not 'modesty.' It's self-destruction. Holding your uniqueness in high regard is not 'egotism.' It's a necessary precondition to happiness and success.
Let's face it. Umpiring is not an easy or happy way to make a living. In the abuse they suffer, and the pay they get for it, you see an imbalance that can only be explained by their need to stay close to a game they can't resist.