Understand that you can’t achieve your dreams if you don’t connect with people who guide you to improve on upon the skills you have.
It is so good to have friends who understand how there is a time for crying and a time for laughing, and that sometimes the two are very close together.
When you've understood this scripture, throw it away. If you can't understand this scripture, throw it away. I insist on your freedom.
Everyone makes mistakes. If everyone fell into the sand after making a mistake we would never get anywhere. We'd all be washed away in the sea, lost forever. Do you understand?
Understand and challenge your personal narrative. Narratives become choices and actions — which become your life.
Any thing or behavior too complex to understand becomes a phenomenon that could be termed spiritual or magical.
Nothing on earth is as unbearable as dealing with other people if you are a person who lacks compassion and understanding.
What better way to try to begin to understand the nature and meaning of human memory than to investigate its absence?
Yes, it was dangerous, but we are not put into this world, Mr. Burton, to avoid danger when an important fellow creature's life is at stake. You understand me?
My dear if you could give me a cup of tea to clear my muddle of a head I should better understand your affairs.
His ear heard more than what was said to him, and his slow speech had overtones not of thought, but of understanding beyond thought.
No one could possibly understand my purest feelings but I couldn't care less; My deepest yearnings are nobody's goddamn business anyway
Art never responds to the wish to make it democratic; it is not for everybody; it is only for those who are willing to undergo the effort needed to understand it.
Youth is like a fickle girlfriend. We can't understand or value her until she goes off with someone else, never to return.
He had discovered that there was not just one God but many, and some were more than cruel — they were insane, and that changed all. Cruelty, after all, was understandable. With insanity, however, there was no arguing.
Smartass Disciple: Master, what are you talking about? None of us understand! Master of Stupidity: Be patient! It is not ended yet. The end justifies the means.
I cannot for the life of me understand why small children take so long to grow up. I think they do it deliberately, just to annoy me.
I've come to the conclusion that liking a person we are required to have dealings with is not of paramount importance. But respect is crucial, on both sides, as is tolerance, and a depth of understanding of those influences that sculpt a character.
Many of the gaps in my knowledge and understanding were simply limits of class and cultural background, not lack of aptitude or application as I feared. Page 135
They don't understand it. They're not old enough to know the first instinct of irritation should be avoided in order to keep an open mind.
Using words to talk of words is like using a pencil to draw a picture of itself, on itself. Impossible. Confusing. Frustrating ... but there are other ways to understanding.