When you get into bed with evil incarnate, it always takes the covers
Everything understood by the term co-operation is in some sense an evil.
And if we do not stand now, then when will a stand be taken against evil?
Evil prevails when good people do nothing.
How do evil people find the strength to do good?
ketidaksukaan pada yang kotor dapat menjadi sedemikian besar sehingga hal itu akan mencegah kita membersihkan diri
kedewasaan seseorang: setelah menemukan kembali keseriusaan yang pernah dimilikinya saat masih kanakkanak, saat sedang bermain.
The most momentous thing in human life is the art of winning the soul to good or evil.
Money. Both cure and cause of so many evils, isn't it?
PROPAGANDA (PROP-A-GANDER) An evil grin behind a smiling clown's mask Kamil Ali
Evil is a choice one makes, not a natural state of being.
Evil is just . . . so harsh. I prefer ethically unfettered.
It's no good to give money to anybody who thinks money as the root of all evil.
We are what we adapt to.
It feels good to have parents, but it feels even better to not have an evil one.
Evil grows when good people do and say nothing.
Depression is evil. Before you know it, it takes over and there's no escaping it.
You know how confusing the whole good-evil concept is for me.
The greatest power of bureaucracies is to make the smart act stupid and the good to act evil.
Hell hell because, there, evil passes unremarked upon.
And power without compassion is the worst kind of evil there is.