Hugs can do great amounts of good - especially for children.
It is not hard to fool people when they do not want to know the truth.
Check other sources before believing mainstream media.Seek the truth.
The truth about life is complicated, indefensible and embarrassing.
Writers are compulsive liars desperately trying to tell themselves the truth.
Sarcasm is when you tell someone the truth by lying on purpose.
She was a truth that had filled his every moment.
To speak truth to power is not a particularly honorable vocation.
There's more beauty in truth, even if it is dreadful beauty.
Sometimes truths are what we run from, and sometimes they are what we seek.
Waverleys know where to find the truth, they just can’t stomach it.
The search for truth takes you where the evidence leads you, even if, at first, you don't want to go there.
Of course, not everything is unsayable in words, only the living truth.
Secrets are truths that show what we’ve been through—what we’ve survived.
Hypocrites get offended by the truth.
I prefer truth-based entertaining idealism.
When a thing is funny, search it carefully for a hidden truth.
An unexciting truth may be eclipsed by a thrilling falsehood.
We have to know the truth about the past to discover out future.
Implausible truth can serve one better than plausible fiction
The reason for the sadness of this modern age and the men who live in it is that it looks for the truth in everything and finds it.